April 20, 2020

I am continuing my reflection from Fresh Bread by Joyce Rupp.

“ God is always calling to me, like Jesus called the name of his friend, Mary, in the garden.
I, too, can hear the risen one call my name in the garden of my life if only I will listen, if only I will allow my heart to be surprised and amazed by the things of life that bring me joy: love, care, concern, growth, beauty, friendship, faith, courage, mystery, the life events containing any of these our opportunities to re-enter Easter.
They are invitations to celebrate the risen Lord every day of our lives.
They are calls to look through the disguises of life for God‘s presence and for God’s blessing.”

We are still in the Easter season until Pentecost. Even though we might be having difficult times we are called to look for our little Easters each day!