April 6, 2021

My reflection today is from Living Faith:
“Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?’ John 20:15
Just a few days after Jesus has died and been buried, he encounters his dear friend, Mary Magdalene, her broken heart evidenced by her tears. He notices Mary’s profound grief and seems to ask a rather obvious question, echoing the inquiry of the angels at his tomb. ‘Why are you weeping?’ Well, of course she’s weeping, we might say, she’s mourning his death, which she herself witnessed.
But Jesus follows up with a question that invites many layers of response. ‘Whom are you looking for?’ touches on the ache of our human condition -an ache laid bare by death and loss – but also by longing. ‘Whom are you looking for?’ is another way of asking,
‘What is your deepest desire? What yearning brought you to this place?’
Today Jesus also turns to us and asks us that same question: Whom are we looking for?” – Sr. ChrisKoellhoffer, I.H.M.
During this Easter season, let us reflect on that question: Whom are we looking for?