July 11, 2022

My reflection is from Living Faith:
Cease doing evil; learn to do good. Isaiah 1: 16–17
“What does God want of us? Through Isaiah, God says, ‘Do good… Make justice your aim’ (verse 17). But the words good and justice are so abstract, they may lead to confusion. So, God gives us concrete examples of what God means by these words: Set right an unfair situation… hear the orphan’s plea… defend the widow. That is; be a voice for the voiceless, a helper for the powerless, an advocate for those denied their rights. We can do this writing a letter to an elected official about an unjust situation or encouraging a loved one, caring for a cranky child or driving a friend to the doctor.
Jesus gives us another specific act we can do. Give a cup of cold water to a thirsty person.
How might I ease someone who is thirsting today – whether for water, food, my time, my attention, a kind word, a listening ear or even for God?
Jesus, you ask not extraordinary things of us, but daily small acts of selfless love. Help us to see that persistence in doing small acts of love is itself quite extraordinary.”
Sr. Melanie Svoboda, S.N.D