June 10, 2020

My reflection today continues from Fresh Bread by Joyce Rupp:

“ Value bonds assure me that I am not in this life alone. Others believe and hope as I do. It’s always so encouraging to meet others who hunger and yearn for some of the values I believe in at the core of my being. It is important that I take time to find these people and to share my own encouragement with them, too. Each one of us needs someone who will knock on the door of our heart, someone who sees rainbows, has hope, believes in the God of promises, someone who invites us out of our own world of anxiety, confusion and doubt. People all around us need us to be rainbow callers for them, to remind them about the gift of God in their lives, to hold out the treasure of hope to them, to call them to see beauty in a God-given world often caught in ugliness to enable them to find meaning in their common moments, be they happy or difficult.”

God is calling us to be rainbow callers for one another.
I see two tragedies, the pandemic and the murder of George Floyd that have called us out of ourselves to reflect God’s love in the midst of tragedy.
Each person being a rainbow caller in their own way. ?