March 18, 2023

My reflection:
“The spirit of God lives inside you. He loves you because you’re His own. Friends may desert you and families disown you, but He’ll never leave you alone.
If you’re broken, He’ll fix you-after all, He created you. You are one of His dreams that came true. He’ll answer your prayers-sometimes out of the blue – after He sees your faith in Him too. He promises an abundance of life here on earth, and – though it may sound odd- we’re also blessed with the miraculous spiritual life everlasting. Just imagine! What a God!
The prisons we make for ourselves are no place for the forgiven who’ve made mistakes they’re so sorry for. He even said we could cast ALL our cares on Him. You just can’t out love Him; He loves you so much more. He’s a ‘hands-on’ God. He’ll give you the desires of your heart, make your dreams come true, and make you well. He’s as good as His word if you will only believe Him…He’s got your back and you will not fail!” Donna Fargo
Our God is a God of love! A God who loves us unconditionally