March 8 , 2023

My reflection is from Living Faith:
But my trust is in you, oh Lord; I say, “You are my God.” Psalm 31:15
“The tree in my front yard puzzled me. One side leafed out fully before the other side even got started. I was convinced the tree was sick until one of my kids pointed out the rather obvious fact that the early leafing half faced east and got more sun during the day.
I wonder sometimes if the impact of God’s love and mercy on my life is like that. Oh, he bathes me in his light– no doubt – but am I only allowing it to impact part of my life, my concerns, my priorities and my choices? Am I only half in bloom?
Lent is the time to take stock of that, isn’t it? The word itself comes from an old English word for ‘spring’- lencten. Maybe part of my journey is to remember that I am not like that tree. I can move. I can adjust. I can open my arms and welcome God’s warmth on all sides, letting him bring every corner back to life with his light, rising from the east every day.
Lord Jesus, warm and nourish every part of my life with your light.” Amy Welborn